+254 714 729 600 info@claudioustours.co.ke
+254 714 729 600 info@claudioustours.co.ke

Tanzania Luxury Safaris

Tanzania Luxury Safaris

Tanzania Luxury Safaris offers world class wildlife, honeymoons, beautiful landscapes and some of the best safari lodges.  Tanzania Luxury Safaris Holiday takes you to the highlights of East Africa from the Masai Mara into the endless plains of the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, staying in lavish accommodation. Our Tanzania luxury safaris offers an ideal bush and beach destination, visitors can witness the mighty herds of the Great Migration thundering across the Serengeti plains and end their unforgettable safari with a serene beach holiday on Zanzibar, the beautiful and exotic Spice Island.

Tanzania Luxury Safaris Holiday

Luxury Safaris in Tanzania, a country best known for Luxury Lodge Safaris since it has many places where individuals can do exclusive classic luxury adventures. For the African holiday traveler we offer a full range of options. We provide luxury holidays in Tanzania, Tanzania wildlife tours and adventures and luxury camping safaris. We also  offer luxury holiday packages covering Ngorongoro, Lake Manyara Trips, Serengeti migration safari package and Tarangire National park tours.

Luxury Safaris – Highest Standards

Tanzania Luxury SafarisAll our luxury safaris meet the highest standards and always take your needs, safety and enjoyment into consideration. We use comfortable four wheel drive vehicles driven by experienced and knowledgeable driver cum guides. Our driver guides have many years’ experience in the tourism industry with accident-free records.

Tanzania Luxury Safari Specialists

Claudious Tours is one of the few Tanzania Luxury Safari Specialists. Our knowledge of Tanzania, its wildlife, beaches, lodges, and islands (including Zanzibar) is unparalleled.

Tanzania Luxury Camping Safaris
East Africa Safaris

5 Days Tanzania Safari Holidays Adventures
Special Offer

5 Days Tanzania Safari Holidays Adventures

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