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Film Location Hunting

Film Location Hunting or Location scouting is a vital process in the pre-production stage of filmmaking and commercial photography. Once scriptwriters, producers or directors have decided what general kind of scenery they require for the various parts of their work that is shot outside of the studio, the search for a suitable place or “Film Location Hunting” outside the studio begins. Location scouts or Film Location Hunting also look for generally spectacular or interesting locations beforehand, to have a database of locations in case of requests.

Choose a site that matches the setting of your story. This is the first rule of location scouting or Film Location Hunting. As you set out to evaluate locations, you’ll likely face countless possibilities: natural areas, historic sites, distinctive buildings, urban landscapes and waterfront settings, to name a few. Remember, above all, that you have a story to tell. Choose a location that lends itself to the story you want to produce. You should never be bound by your locations. Locations are simply raw materials. You need to know what the script demands before you can select a suitable location.

Location Scouts or Film Location Hunting spend many many hours just driving around localities and taking photos to get to understand what is possible. When they are looking for a new location for a shoot they will take into consideration the features necessary – for example, if the location in the script calls for a lake then they will take a look at maps for bodies of water that might be viable, use google satellite & street view to get a sense of what the landscape is like at each location, then drive out for a viewing in person.

During this time the Locations Department (most likely the Location Manager in situations requiring the most responsibility) will have contacted and begun negotiation with internal and external parties that may affect ability to film at the location. This is known as “clearing the location”: investigating and confirming availability and fees to be paid to a location owner or agent, obtaining a certificate of insurance, obtaining any needed film permits (may involve fees). Also, there might be distribution of “resident letters” or “filming notifications”. These are notices to neighbors, advising them of intent to film in the area (often a local requirement). These steps result in “locking down”: making sure that all details and existing or potential issues are addressed. While it is the Locations Department’s job to anticipate and minimize problems associated with a location, it is also the Locations Department’s duty to advise other Production Department heads of intractable problems that need consideration so contingencies can be planned. This may lead to a decision to use an alternate location. This might involve additional planning and budget allocation for additional location scouting.

Kenya Safaris
Films and Movies Made in Africa l Film Location Hunting
Films and Movies Made in Africa

Contact us for locations Hunting places in Africa

Lake Turkana Safari Camping Adventure
Films and Movies Made in Africa, Film Location Hunting l Film Location Scouting l Movie Location Hunting:-We have location scouts to find and photograph locations for their productions of feature films and short films, television commercials and television shows, documentary films, corporate video, print advertising photography and editorial photography. Apart for the Films and Movies...
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