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birding safaris

Birding safaris: – Birdwatching Safaris offers a breath taking experience to bird watchers as they explore the bird’s kingdom. On our birding safaris you will encounter thousands of different species of birds. Birding safaris in Kenya starts right upon arrival at Airport as you precede to Lake Nakuru National park also known as the paradise of ornithology. Lake Bogoria National park is another Park that hosts thousands of bird species. After a day trip to Lake Bogoria you will precede to Lake Naivasha the lake presents itself another home for over 400 species of birds. Then proceed to Masai Mara which also is home of hundred species of birds among other major attractions.

Birding safaris l Birdwatching Safaris l Guided Birding Safaris

Guided birding safaris are everything a true bird lover’s heart desires. Some lodges and camps offer guided ornithological safaris around the camp site or in reserves and national parks. Birding safaris range from just a few hours long excursions up to a week long journey.

Kenya’s charm lies in its diversity. Nairobi’s urban bustle is balanced by the serenity of its neighboring reserves; Mt. Kenya looms mighty in the sky, while the abiding Savannah stretches to the horizon. This is quintessential Africa – a place where wildlife roams, legends begin and adventures are embraced.

The 1089 winged, feathered inhabitants and migratory visitors of Kenya will delight and engage you in a world of entertaining antics, melodious songs and spell-binding aerial acrobatics. Birding safaris takes you into the world of Kenya’s avi-fauna! See first-hand the gangly gait of ostriches, the daredevil hunting skills of African fish eagles and the carpets of rose-colored flamingoes that cover many of Kenya’s terrestrial and aquatic wildernesses. Birding sites in Kenya offer an abundance of birdie species, ranging from 200 and 600+ at any given location.

Africa has become a hub for both professional and armature birders looking for a place to challenge their birding skills and this has seen an increase in bird-watchers from all over the world converging here to identify the various species.

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11 Days Kenya Birding Safari Adventures

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris DestinationsKenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations Safaris takes you into the world of Kenya’s avi-fauna! See first-hand the gangly gait of ostriches, the daredevil hunting skills of African fish eagles and the carpets of rose-colored flamingos that cover many of Kenya’s terrestrial and aquatic wildernesses. Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations or birding sites in Kenya offer an abundance of bird species, ranging from 200 and 600+ at any given location.

You see common, rare, endangered, threatened and vulnerable species in almost every type of setting – forests, lakes, grasslands, rivers, woodlands, swamps and much more! Finding these smaller creatures amidst the vast and expansive landscapes of Kenya is a real treat for safari goers of all ages and experience levels! Arabuko-Sokoke Forest is located just a short distance from the Kenyan coast near Watamu and Malindi, so bird lovers can spend their mornings walking along white sand beaches and their afternoons exploring the dense forest for bird life.

From tKenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinationshe world’s biggest bird, the Ostrich, to spectacular flamingos that congregate in their millions at the various Lakes of the Great Rift Valley and camouflage them in pink, Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris destinations holds some remarkable birding sights that you have to see them to believe. With eleven percent of the world’s species – some 1089 different varieties, Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris destinations is one of the best in the world. It is not unusual for birding trips to record 300-600 different varieties on a short trip or to record more than 120 at a particular site on a single day!

The variety of birds in Kenya is made possible by the favorable climate, diverse habitats and geographical features that make it a suitable migratory route for birds. Even without venturing outside Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, more than 600 resident and migratory bird species are found; more than in any other capital city, and more than in most countries.

Home of the Specials, Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris destinations offers birding enthusiasts a unique experience, our bird watching safaris incorporates a variety of rich habitats and you can expect some unrivalled birding and wildlife experiences in Kenya and the neighoring countries. Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris destinations provides great birding tour packages with our own best professional guides. Kenya has the highest species concentrations of birds on the continent and some of the most beautiful and wild birding destinations to get your ticks!, Africa is most prized birding spot but Kenya boost with the best birding cites.

Uganda Birding SafariKenya has one of the richest avifaunas in Africa with around 1090 bird species recorded. At least eight of these are national endemics. Around 170 species of Kenya’s birds species are Palearctic migrants (11 species of them with a local breeding population too), mainly from eastern Europe, Russia, the middle East and Siberia. Another 60 species migrate regularly within the Afrotropics or from Madagascar. Some 335 species are found in forest; 230 species are entirely forest dependent.

Besides good birding, one is likely to encounter a fair range of larger African game. The area is also of great cultural interest in the masai mara, spend your good time with the masai elders in there village get to know a little bit of their culture and many more.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari – Best time for the Safari

Like the game viewers, bird watchers will find the early morning hours (6.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.) most enjoyable period of their trip. This is the time most birds move out of their roosting places and fly out or walk to the open fields or roadside to chase for beetles, worms. ants, grasshoppers, moths and other insects before the latter retreat under grass cover or furrows.

Seed eating birds like Guinea fowl, Sandgrouse, Spurfowl and others are extremely active at that time tuming grass heaps over and over looking for seeds. lt is possible for a lucky bird watcher to spot over 100 bird species within one hour. lf you haven’t seen much before 1 l a.m., you are advised to rest during the heat of the day before setting out again at 3 o’clock for evening bird watching trips.

Kenya Bird watching safarisKenya Bird Watching Safari – Guides

Local bird guides are available at numerous of sites and are your best aid for locating and identifying the many species. They live at or near these sites and their birding interest is nurtured by that association with visiting scientists, birders and added to by some formal training.

Bird watching is good all year round in Kenya.

The rainy seasons of April and November coincide with migration of birds from and to Europe and Asia, and some of the top day’s totals have been recorded at that time. Migrants make up only about ten percent of Kenya’s birdlife. Spectacular birds of the bush –guinea fowl, go-away birds, rollers and barbets, to mention but a few – are active all year.

To see Kenya’s rarest, indigenous and unfortunately endangered birds, the bird enthusiast needs to seek out forests or highland grasslands tucked away amongst various farmlands. Arabuko-Sokoke Forest near Malindi, tops the list, with the six threatened bird species of the Sokoke Scops Owl, Sokoke Pipit, Spotted Ground Thrush, East Coast Akalat, Amani Sunbird and Clarke’s Weaver.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – mountain range.

In western Kenya, Kakamega Forest is a little patch of Guineo-Congolian rainforest in Kenya. Among the many rainforest species found are spectacular Turacos and Hornbills, and the tiny, endangered Turner’s Eremomela. The scarce and threatened Papyrus Yellow Warbler is found in papyrus swamps on the shores of Lake Victoria, alongside the Papyrus Gonolek, White-winged Warbler and Papyrus Canary, all papyrus endemics.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Nairobi City

In Nairobi you are guaranteed to find birds everywhere you travel. A stroll in hotel gardens, a trip to the Nairobi National Park or the grounds of the National Museum is likely to turn up bright black and yellow weavers, tiny iridescent sunbirds resembling flying jewels, Secretary Bird, Bustards and Mousebirds with long tails, which are unique to Africa.

The giant Marabou Storks, a frequent visitor to the city, now nests on the acacia trees along the streets. Nature Kenya organizes weekly Morning Birdwalks in and around Nairobi to these and many more sites. A surprisingly wide range of habitats can be visited on day trips from Nairobi. These include Lake Naivasha in the Rift Valley, the dry bush around the Olorgesailie Prehistoric Site, and the Escarpment Forests in the foothills of the Aberdare mountain range.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Amboseli

Amboseli is popular with birders as Elephant watchers. Over 400 species including at least 40 raptors have been recorded. Notable species include the Lesser Flamingo, many ducks, darters and heron nest in the wetlands, and birds of prey including a small population of Martial Eagles.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Maasai Mara

The Mara is equally popular with birders, and specialist birding safaris. Of the over 500 recorded species, notables include the Corncrake, Grey crested Helmet Shrike, Lesser Kestrel, Madagascar Squacco Heron, Saddle Billed Stork, Secretary Bird, Ostrich, White headed Vulture among more common species, Lilac Breasted Roller, Yellow billed Ox pecker among the large herds, and Martial and Crowned Eagles.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Meru

Meru area is excellent Birding country, becoming popular with specialist birding safaris. There have been recorded sightings of Saddle Billed Stork, Pel’s Fishing Owl and African Fin foots in the swamps and along the river.


This area is very popular with birders, and specialist birding safaris. Samburu and Buffalo Springs have over 380 recorded species, with similar numbers in Shaba. Notable species recorded include arid endemics such as Donaldson-Smith’s Sparrow Weaver, Shining Sunbird and the Bristle Crowned Starling, many Vulturine Guinea fowl, several Hornbill species, Somali Ostrich and rare species such as the Taita Falcon, migratory Kestrels and William’s Lark.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Tsavo

This vast area is excellent Birding country, popular with specialist birding safaris. Notable species recorded include the rare Basra Reed Warbler, Friedmann’s Lark, Ostrich, Blue Quail, Violet Wood hoopoe, Martial and Crowned Eagle.

Tana River Delta

The Tana River Delta area is an excellent area for birding. The Delta itself attracts an average population of around 20,000 water birds, including Pelicans, Egrets, Storks, Flamingo, Geese and many shorebirds. The Surrounding forests are also rich with birdlife, including the rare Southern Banded Snake Eagle, East Coast Akalat, Malindi Pipit, Basra Reed Warbler, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Violet Wood Hoopoe, Scaly babbler, and of course, the Tana River Cisticola.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Shimba Hills

This is an important bird area, and is frequently visited by specialist Birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include the Southern Banded Snake Eagle, Fischer’s Turaco, Sokoke Pipit, East Coast Akalat and migratory Eurasian Cuckoos.

Taita and Chyulu Hills

The Chyulu area is very popular with birders, and specialist birding safaris. Notable species recorded include Abbots Starlings en route from Mt Kenya to Kilimanjaro, Shelley’s Francolin, Orange Ground Thrush and several rare raptors- Ayre’s Hawk Eagle, Crowned Eagle and Martial Eagle. The Taita Hills are also a very important bird reserve, with many endemics including the Taita Falcon, Taita Thrush, Taita White Eye and the Taita Apalis.

Mount Elgon

This is an important bird area, and is frequently visited by specialist birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include the slender billed Starling, Sharpe’s Long claw, and Crowned Eagle; Ring necked Francolin, Striped Rufftail, Red chested Owlet, Thick billed Honeyguide, Toro Olive Greenbul and Purple throated Cuckoo Shrike.

Mount Kenya

Mt Kenya and its surrounding forests are good birding country. Notable species recorded here include the Lesser Kestrel, Jackson’s Widowbird, Abbots Starling, Jackson’s Francolin, Hunter’s Cisticola, the Crowned Eagle, African Grass Owl and Cape Eagle Owl.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Aberdares

The bird-rich Aberdares are very popular with birders, and specialist birding safaris. At least 200 species have been recorded, including African Green Ibis, African Cuckoo Hawk, Cape Eagle Owl, Mountain Buzzard and Hartlaub’s Turaco. Rare species include the Scarlet tufted Sunbird, long tailed Widowbird, African grass owl and the Aberdare Cisticola on the moorlands.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest

The Arabuko Sokoke Forest is a very important area for birding. Among the endemics here is the Sokoke Scops Owl, the world’s rarest Owl. The species is only found in this forest, although there have been reported sightings in the Usambara Mountains in Northern Tanzania. This highly elusive bird is more often seen than heard, but the chance of a sighting makes this a real mecca for birders. Even if you don’t locate a Scops- there are plenty of other species to be seen, including the rare Clarke’s Weaver, Fischer’s Turaco, Southern Banded Snake Eagle and the Amani and Plain backed Sunbirds.

Kakamega Forest

Kakamega’s main attraction is its birdlife. The forest is a unique environment, not just in Kenya but in Africa. There are a number of relict species found here, including the Angsore’s Greenbul, Blue headed Beeeater, Chapin’s Flycatcher and Turner’s Eremola. Other notables include the Red Chested Owlet, Least Honeyguide, Great Blue Turaco, Banded Snake eagle, and Crowned Eagle. Kakamega is a popular destination for birders and is well set up for bird watching safaris.

Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations – Baringo

This is an important bird area, and is frequently visited by specialist Birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include Jackson’s and Hemprich’s Hornbills, Bristle Crowned Starling, and waterbirds including Goliath Heron, White backed Duck, and African Skimmers and Darters.


Bogoria is an important bird area, with its large populations of flamingo. Other species of interest recorded here include many Black necked Grebe, African Darter, White necked vulture and African Fish Eagle. The best way to see birdlife in this area is to travel around the lakeshore. The acacia forests and cliffs are both rich birding country.


This is considered an important bird area, frequently visited by specialist Birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include both Lesser and Greater Flamingo, the remarkable Jackson’s Widowbird and the Grey crested helmet Shrike. Both Martial and Crowned Eagles have also been sighted here.


The flamingo breeding grounds here are an important bird area, and are frequently visited by specialist Birding safaris. Other species of interest recorded here include the African Spoonbill, Cape Teal, Great Egret and the Avocet.


This is an important birding area, and the entire region is a popular destination with specialist birding tours. Naivasha has over 400 recorded bird species. The waters of the Lake obviously attract many waterbirds including the continent’s highest concentration of African Fish Eagles, many Goliath Heron, Jacanas, Pied and Malachite Kingfisher, Red-knobbed coot, Spoonbills, Little Grebe, rare Maccoa Duck, African Darters and Saddle Billed Stork.

The shores and forests of the lake are also excellent birding territory, while the cliffs of Hell’s Gate National Park are and important nesting area for many raptor species.


One of Nakuru’s greatest attractions is its birds, and this is a common stop for specialist Birding safaris. Apart from the obvious Greater and Lesser Flamingo, species of interest recorded here include many Great White Pelican and Black necked and Little Grebe, as well as rare Martial Eagle, Lesser Kestrel and Madagascar Squacco Heron.

Lake Victoria

There are several excellent birding areas around Lake Victoria. The Main areas of interest are the swamps at Kusa, Koguta and Dunga and within Ruma National Park. The Swamps are one of last refuges of the endangered Papyrus Gonolek and Papyrus Yellow Warbler, while Ruma is the only place in Kenya where the migratory Blue Swallow has been sighted.


Turkana is also an important bird area, frequently visited by specialist Birding safaris. Species of interest recorded here include large populations of Pink backed Pelican, Greater Flamingo, Sur winged Plover and the Little Stint as well as rare species such as the Saddle billed Stork.

Birding Safaris in Africa
Kenya Bird Watching Safaris
Birding Watching Safari

Birding Safaris in Africa | Africa Birding Tours and Holidays

Birding Safaris in Africa | Africa Birding Tours and Holidays

Birding Safaris in Africa | Africa Birding Tours and HolidaysBirding safaris in Africa | Africa birding tours and holidays safari packages offer the quintessential birding safari experience. Birding safaris in Africa | Africa birding tours and holidays really does impress with its birding holidays and it is not unusual to record more than 100 species in a day. Thanks to vast wilderness areas, impressive quality and diversity of species. Among the most impressive of the continent’s innumerable wildlife spectacles are the flamingos on Rift Valley lakes, water birds in deltas, rivers and lakes of Africa to raptors on open plains.

Birding safaris in Africa | Africa birding tours and holidays offers Stunning birds like kingfishers, rollers, guinea fowl, starlings, sun birds, barbets, hornbills, bushshrikes and bee-eaters can be seen as can a rich diversity of raptors. Bataleur, snake eagle, martial eagle, fish eagle, falcons, buzzards and goshawks aplenty. The water birding safari is among the world’s finest with wetlands throughout Africa supporting a wealth of wonderful bird life. Storks, herons, shorebirds, pelicans, waterfowl to name a few.

Birding safaris in Africa | Africa birding tours and holidays/ Bird watching in Africa

Africa is a fantastic continent for a bird watching holiday, as the range of environments make for a hugely diverse bird population. The geographical range is vast, with montane forests, wetlands, marshes, deserts and coastlines on both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. With a range of African and country-specific endemics, as well as migrant birds which visit to breed and ‘summer’ in the southern hemisphere, Birding safaris in Africa | Africa birding tours and holidays in Africa is packed full of variety.

Birding Safaris in Africa | Africa Birding Tours and HolidaysBird Watching African Safaris are a favorite past time of those who choose to visit African countries like Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Namibia Zambia, South Africa, Egypt and Tanzania collectively. Bird Watching is a science, a sport and an art but above all, it is one of the highly rated leisure travel activity. The mere diversity of avifauna over these countries guarantees the best ornithological tours on the continent. Africa has become a hub for both professional and armature birders looking for a place to challenge their birding skills and this has seen an increase in bird-watchers from all over the world converging here to identify the various species.

Birding safaris in Africa | Africa birding tours and holidays/ Bird watching safari

Guided Bird watching tours are everything a true bird lover’s heart desires. Some lodges and camps offer guided ornithological safaris around the camp site or in reserves and national parks. Bird watching safaris range from just a few hours long excursions up to a week long journey. Our birdwatchers safaris take you to forests, woodlands, wetlands, lakes, swamps, river banks and other habitats where avi-fauna thrive. We know when the migrators characteristically arrive based on historic information and also from weekly to monthly reports from safari accommodations and our guides, as well as when specific behaviors occur, such as mating and nesting, specific to varied wildernesses.

Africa is recognized around the world for its birds as noted by the many Important Bird Areas on the continent with accessible and specialty birding countries being Zambia, South Africa, Uganda, Botswana, Tanzania and Kenya with upcoming countries vying for recognition like Rwanda and Malawi. Our ornithological guides skillfully locate them on their preferred resident ecology and also identify the species by sound and sight.

Bird watching in Botswana

Much of northern Botswana consists of vast tracts of untouched wilderness with plenty of wildlife. Observe also that it encompasses two extremes of environment: the arid Kalahari and the verdant, watery Okavango – and you’ll understand why birdwatching in Botswana can be as good as it gets!

Birdwatching in Kenya/ Birding safari holidays in Kenya

Kenya is a prime destination for a birdwatching holiday at any time of year. Tremendous geographical range gives Kenya a variety of climates and landscapes, hence the second highest number of species in Africa. Kenya holds the world-record ‘bird watch’ – with 342 species seen in 24 hours!

Kenya is one of only 15 countries globally where more than 1,000 bird species have been recorded, and it lies third on the African avian diversity list after DR Congo and Tanzania. This list includes the world’s two largest birds (common and Somali ostrich, now regarded as separate species) and its bulkiest flying creature (Kori bustard), along with a wealth of raptors and a dazzling array of colorful bee-eaters, turacos, parrots, rollers and passerines. Birdwatching is rewarding everywhere in Kenya. For dedicated birdwatchers, a well-planned two-week itinerary is likely to result in a trip list of 350–400 species, a figure that compares favorably with anywhere in the world.

The open Savannah of southern Kenyan reserves such as Amboseli and the Masai Mara provides an excellent introduction to East Africa’s commoner birds, with the likes of superb starling, purple grenadier, lilac-breasted roller and African grey horn bill all conspicuous. The Rift Valley lakes are also superb: Nakuru and Bogoria are rightly famed for their mind-boggling flamingo aggregations, but the less celebrated Naivasha and Baringo are arguably even better for general birding.

For regular Africa safari goers, a region of special interest is the arid north, where Samburu-Buffalo Springs- Shaba hosts a high quotient of dry-country species whose range is otherwise restricted to less accessible parts of Ethiopia and Somalia.

Kenya Birding Safaris:- There are over 500 species of birds along with spectacular landscapes and wildlife safari viewing infamous parks like the Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru, Laikipia and Amboseli to name a few. The collections of birds in places like Hell’s Gate, Buffalo Springs and Kakamega Forest get you a little bit off the beaten track. Other places worth a visit, especially after the rains, are Mt Kenya, Samburu and Shaba, North Kinangop grassland, Lake Baringo, Aberdare National Park and Tsavo National Parks East and West.

Birdwatching in Malawi

Malawi has a number of species which are rare in the rest of Southern Africa, and birdwatching in Malawi is probably at its best in the country’s water and forest habitats. Malawi’s birding highlights include near endemics such as the Malawi batis, east coast akalat and white-winged apalis.

Birdwatching in Mozambique

Mozambique stretches over 2000km from north to south. It is a lush and varied country, and birding in Mozambique is particularly good along its Indian Ocean coastline. Migrant coastal waders are found in the south, whilst the ornithological records of the bays and islands of the north are still incomplete.

Birdwatching in Namibia

The best time for bird watching in Namibia is during the rains – typically between around November and April. Then many migrants visit, adding to the native species found inland; food is plentiful and many species sport colorful breeding plumage. Meanwhile Namibia’s rich, cold ocean attracts large permanent populations of coastal birds.

Birdwatching in Rwanda

Birdwatching in Rwanda is somewhat overlooked in favor of gorilla-trekking trips. However, bird life in Rwanda is excellent, giving visitors the chance to see some of the Albertine Rift endemic bird species. There are over 600 species in Rwanda, which is amazing for such a small country and makes for great birding.

Birdwatching in Seychelles

The Seychelles is a disparate group of islands – some granitic; some coral line – scattered around the equatorial Indian Ocean, over a range of a thousand of kilometers or so. Come birdwatching in the Seychelles to see a handful of rare endemics that evolved here, plus some huge colonies of ocean-going birds.

Birdwatching in South Africa

South Africa has the highest number of endemic bird species in mainland Africa. Birding in the Cape is particularly good due to the sheer variety of flora found in the Cape Floristic Region. Furthermore, as many South Africans are keen birdwatchers, the resources about birds and information available are usually excellent.

Birdwatching in Tanzania

With a range of endemic bird species, Tanzania is a great location for a birdwatching holiday. A tremendous amount of ornithological research has been carried out here in the past twenty years, which has hugely increased the information and resources for bird watching in Tanzania. Come for great endemics, near-endemics and specialty birds.

Birdwatching in Zambia

Birdwatching in Zambia will reveal a mix of south, east and even central African birds. Bird life is richest during the ’emerald’ wet season (Nov-March) when foliage is dense and insects are thriving; this is also when palearctic and intra-African migrants visit. There is limited accessibility to some areas during this time, but some amazing opportunities for keen birders.

Birdwatching in Zimbabwe

Whilst Zimbabwe doesn’t have any endemics, it’s still great for bird watching. A Zimbabwe holiday which focuses on birdwatching would be best during the rains (Oct – March) – as then food is plentiful, migrants are around and many species are in breeding plumage. Specialties include the rare Angola pitta (or ‘African Pitta’) and the Taita Falcon.

Birdwatching in Uganda

Uganda and Congo collectively have over 1300 bird species. With Uganda having 10 national parks, Congo over 5 and Rwanda having 3, there are many birding safari destinations in the region. Uganda for instance has over 1000 bird species, Rwanda has over 500 bird species in Akagera national park alone and Congo has many birds too in the Congo basin. Uganda is said to have more birds than America and Europe combined.

A Uganda birding safari, Rwanda birding safari or Congo birding safari cannot be disappointing since there are many birds to spot some of which are almost extinct. some of the birds to look out for in Uganda include the shoebill, Green-breasted Pitta,African Green Broadbill, Great Blue Turaco, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, Standard-winged Nightjar, Short-tailed Warbler, Doherty’s Bushshrike, Bar-tailed Trogon, Black-breasted Barbet etc some of these are also found in Rwanda. click the links

Seeing more diversity in bird species is all about changing habitat. In general, for birders we recommend, it’s better to spend longer in each park to avoid missing birds and animals and we offer activities in the best light so you get outstanding sightings.

Kenya Bird Watching Safaris
Uganda Birding Safari Holidays
Kenya Bird Watching Safari, Birding Safaris Destinations
Birding Safaris in Africa | Africa Birding Tours and Holidays
Kenya Birding Safaris


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